Painted Meadow


Baby Stuff and still waitng

The last few months have been Crazy busy around the Miller household. (Notice the capital "C" in's been that crazy!) We have been busy with work, church, family, friends and just life in general.  I don't normally like to be that busy, but it has really helped to keep my mind off of the waiting part of the adoption.  Of course, that also means, I have not been blogging or advertising either.


But now I am back!!  I know you have all be anxiously waiting for me, right?

Anyhow, I feel pretty prepared for this baby.  When our home study was first approved, I was in this crazy, intense mood of collecting what I had labeled the "must haves".  The "must haves" are anything that we would need to care for a baby right now.  For example, if by some miracle someone called and said, "Come get this baby, right now" what would we need to make that happen?  

Here is what we have so far:

 Car seat and stroller - (these came together) I love the pattern, it is little white circles with what looks like Crayon scribble circles inside.

 Here is a close up of the pattern:

Here is a pic of the car seat:

 Playpen/bassinet - (it matches the car seat and stroller)

Swing - a friend from work gave me a swing and we love it!  It is super cute! 

My family cradle – my grandmother bought this for my mom when she was pregnant with my older sister.  My siblings and I all slept in it as infants, as well as all of our children.  I am so excited to be able to use it again.

 I also have the following :

 Receiving blankets

Fleece blankets

Burp cloths


Blanket sleepers

Footed sleepers

Nasal aspirator

Nail clippers

First aid kit


I don't have a ton of these items, but enough to get us started.  I do not have pacifiers, diapers, formula or bottles.  These are things that we can stop at Walmart and get on the way home with the baby. However, I will probably get some diapers in the next month or so, I am just watching the prices on them to see where is the best place to buy them.  Not all diaper's are created equal.  My daughter only wore Pampers and the new sweet baby will only wear Pampers too.

I feel like we have quite the little stash going!  I am trying to be as prepared as possible, so that I am not sitting here with a baby, realizing I need a TON of stuff! 

I think we are going to be off to a good start!

As always my friends, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.  We are always praying and seeking God to make sure that we are making the right moves. 

Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105

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