Painted Meadow


Baby Stuff and still waitng

The last few months have been Crazy busy around the Miller household. (Notice the capital "C" in's been that crazy!) We have been busy with work, church, family, friends and just life in general.  I don't normally like to be that busy, but it has really helped to keep my mind off of the waiting part of the adoption.  Of course, that also means, I have not been blogging or advertising either.


But now I am back!!  I know you have all be anxiously waiting for me, right?

Anyhow, I feel pretty prepared for this baby.  When our home study was first approved, I was in this crazy, intense mood of collecting what I had labeled the "must haves".  The "must haves" are anything that we would need to care for a baby right now.  For example, if by some miracle someone called and said, "Come get this baby, right now" what would we need to make that happen?  

Here is what we have so far:

 Car seat and stroller - (these came together) I love the pattern, it is little white circles with what looks like Crayon scribble circles inside.

 Here is a close up of the pattern:

Here is a pic of the car seat:

 Playpen/bassinet - (it matches the car seat and stroller)

Swing - a friend from work gave me a swing and we love it!  It is super cute! 

My family cradle – my grandmother bought this for my mom when she was pregnant with my older sister.  My siblings and I all slept in it as infants, as well as all of our children.  I am so excited to be able to use it again.

 I also have the following :

 Receiving blankets

Fleece blankets

Burp cloths


Blanket sleepers

Footed sleepers

Nasal aspirator

Nail clippers

First aid kit


I don't have a ton of these items, but enough to get us started.  I do not have pacifiers, diapers, formula or bottles.  These are things that we can stop at Walmart and get on the way home with the baby. However, I will probably get some diapers in the next month or so, I am just watching the prices on them to see where is the best place to buy them.  Not all diaper's are created equal.  My daughter only wore Pampers and the new sweet baby will only wear Pampers too.

I feel like we have quite the little stash going!  I am trying to be as prepared as possible, so that I am not sitting here with a baby, realizing I need a TON of stuff! 

I think we are going to be off to a good start!

As always my friends, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.  We are always praying and seeking God to make sure that we are making the right moves. 

Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105

Perfect timing....again


Several months ago, I bought some receiving blankets and I really liked them.  I wanted to get some more, so earlier this week I was at Walmart and grabbed another package of them.  As I was going through the checkout, the cashier asked, “How old is your baby?”  I responded that I didn’t have a baby yet.  She then asked if I was expecting, and I told her that we were looking to adopt a baby.  Upon hearing this she clapped her hands together and exclaimed, ”Oh you’re blessed!”  I was kind of shocked, but tickled….I honestly had not expected to hear that. 

We started talking about the different types of adoption and the fact that I am in my late thirties wanting an infant.  (Apparently, wanting an infant at my age is crazy!) It was a very light hearted conversation and I enjoyed telling her a little of our story.  By end of our conversation, the next customer was in line behind me. I said good bye, picked up my shopping bags and as I turned to leave, I hear her say, “Oh Ma’am?” I turned bag to look at her and said, “Yes?” She caught me so off guard when she said, “I hope you get your gift soon!” 

I didn’t even get to the exit before the tears came down.

I remembered this Bible verse:

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows   James 1:17

God put her in my path to remind me that all gifts come from him, in his time.  He is in control and he is faithful. 


Types of Adoption

I have been meaning to get around to this post for several months now, so here it is.

For those of you that are not familiar with adoption, there are 3 different types of adoption; Closed, Semi-open, and Open.  I have listed them along with a brief explanation below.

Closed Adoption - The adoptive family and the birth parents have little or no contact before the birth.  They have no contact at all after the birth of the baby.  I have found that most agencies still require updates and pictures of the baby for the first few years, even if the adoption is closed.  I believe they do this because most birth parents will eventually want an update on how the baby is doing. If that is the case, the agency has the information and pictures readily available. I personally do not want a closed adoption, but I do know people who have them.  It seems to me that if the birth parents suddenly wanted an update and the adoptive parents had to provide it that they would feel anxious/worried about the birth parent wanting to be in the child’s life. It would create a sense of insecurity in them.  I think that if someone is going to have a closed adoption that sending the agency updates and pictures several times a year would help the birth parents knowing that they are there when they are ready for an update. 

Up until the last 20 years, almost all adoptions were closed.  So, for the birth parents it was as if their child disappeared in to a black hole, they had no knowledge of the baby’s life.  For the adoptive parents it was as if the baby just dropped down from the sky, they had no knowledge of the baby’s history.  This just seems so foreign to me.  I can't imagine never having the opportunity to at least speak with my child's birth parents. I want to have some contact with the people who will have given me the most precious gift anyone could give. 

Semi-open – A form of adoption that is intentionally designed to be a combination of a more traditional closed adoption and a more progressive open adoption, with the emphasis being on the "privacy" of all parties, rather than on "confidentially." Direct communication after the adoption is more limited, in the fashion that is agreed by the parties to be beneficial for everyone. Last names, addresses, and telephone numbers are usually not exchanged, while the sharing of photographs or other information for an agreed frequency and duration is common. All communication takes place through a third party, which is usually an adoption agency, an adoption attorney or a designated intermediary.

I would be ok with this type of adoption.  I would prefer some contact as opposed to no contact at all. 

Open – This one is a little trickier.  There seems to many different definitions of open adoption.  Some agencies/attorneys classify a semi-open adoption the same as an open.  I personally feel they are not the same.  In an open adoption, the initial contact is made through an agency or attorney.  However, the relationship between birth parents and adoptive parents is progressive It is progressive because they develop a trust and boundaries that allow them to comfortable exchange personal information.  Because they maintain contact outside of the agency/attorney, they usually coordinate their own visits. 

This is the type of adoption I am praying for.  I would love to be able to freely exchange pictures and information with the baby’s birth family.  I feel that it is critical for the baby as well as the birth family to have contact.  It will help the birth family see that the baby is loved and cared for, and it will help the baby to know where they came from. 

I have spent so much time reading about the different types of adoption and trying to educate ourselves on the process.  When I read the stories of families that are in successful open adoptions, it really warms my heart. 

I pray that one day my family will be the ones sharing our story with the world. 

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.   Romans 8:28

 Keep praying for us dear friends! 


1998, the best year of my life

In early 1998, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma.  I had been sick for the better half of 1997, so the feeling that I felt to finally find out what was wrong with me and that it was treatable was more a feeling of relief than one of fear. After about 2 weeks of  testing and procedures I started chemo.

March 17, 1998 marked the halfway point of my treatment, and in early April I had to be hospitalized due to complications from the chemotherapy.  On Saturday April 4th, I woke up to the doctor sitting on  the side of my bed.  She told me that I was pregnant.  I was stunned.  She then went on to explain in great detail that chemotherapy destroys all cells and that the chances of my body rejecting this pregnancy was very high.  If my body didn't reject my pregnancy, then my baby would be born mentally handicapped, deformed, etc.  I was pretty upset after that conversation.

When I told mama and daddy, they were both pretty upset and scared. Abortion was not an option. I had decided that I was stopping the chemo to carry my child.  I was worried about my baby, and they were worried about their baby.  I was supposed to have 6 cycles of chemo for the type and stage of cancer that I was at.

I had only had 3 cycles.

When I told the doctor's that I not only was not having an abortion,but that I would not be continueing on with my chemo treatments, they were not very happy.  They did everything to make me feel like I was doing some heinous deed.  It was awful but I stood firm in my decision. I understood that their job was to treat me for cancer, not for pregnancy. I understood that they had years of medical traing as well as years of working in Oncology. 

But none of that was more, or could be more than I what I knew God had already done for me.  I remember holding my stomach and crying out to God that I needed him to help me through this.

He did. 

I delivered a healthy, beautiful, PERFECT baby girl.  This was not the only miracle he worked in my life.  After giving birth, the plan was for me to start back to chemo.  When doing tests and scans to see what had happened in my body during my pregnancy......they found nothing.  Zero, zilch, zip, nada.  Not only did the find no cancer, the scarring that had been in my lungs from the cancer, was also completely gone. 

I was touched by God's healing hand.  He is an amazing God.  He cradled my baby and kept her safe from the poison that was being put in my body in order to kill all living cells.  I often remind her that she has a reason for being here, because she certainly should not be here, especially with out any physical or mental disablities. 

My miracle baby turned 14 today. 

She is just as beautiful inside as she is out. 

Thank you, Heavenly father, for all of your tender mercies and for loving me in spite of my imperfections. I feel blessed that you took me down a path that I could not walk with out you.  It humbled me and increased my faith in you.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen.


I am so thankful!

I have been feeling really down lately.  I am worried that it is going to take FOREVER to find our baby. (Is it just me or does FOREVER seem like a long time?)
Once again, my impatience has reared its ugly head! 
I was sitting at home one night this week, with a migraine headache, feeling miserable and I received a text from our previous pastor.  He was asking a question about our adoption agency.  I answered him and his next text read:
 “I know this process is long and can be discouraging. But I also know God’s timing is perfect. I had a good friend say one time “never underestimate the power of the process”. On the day your precious baby arrives at your house I believe you will say “Thank you Lord for this wonderful gift and thank you for what I have become during the time we waited.” 
I have read that text message several times a day since I got it.  It was exactly what I needed to hear at just the right moment. Thank you Lord for your gentle reminders!
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
Trust ye in the Lord forever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength
Isaiah 26:3-4 KJV
Dear Heavenly Father, words do not express my thankfulness. Your mighty power is at work in me, transforming me, renewing my mind. I am thankful Lord for everything that You allow to cross my path. Thankful for the decisions that You allow me to make and the lessons that come from these decisions.  In Jesus name, Amen.


We are officially waiting!!!


I spoke to our social worker on Tuesday, our home study is complete and approved!!  She needed to confirm our lawyer's contact information so she could send it to their office directly.  We are thrilled to pieces that it is finished.  We went to our orientation in February, but we started the process in November 2011.  This has been the longest 11 months in my life! 

I want to say a heartfelt Thank you to everyone who has supported us and prayed for us while we were going through the home study process.  Please continue to pray for us as we start to look for our new sweet baby to bring home. 

I am still praying for birth moms, because they are always on my heart.   I pray that when we adopt our child that we will be able to have an open adoption with the birth family. 

Thank you again!  We appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers!  God is SO good!

I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. 

John 14:18 NKJV


That's it! Or That's it?

As I started this entry, I was so excited thinking, the home visit is over....That's it!!  But then after looking back at how enjoyable and easy it has been with our new home study agency, I have to ask, that's it?  I am tickled pink, don't get me wrong.  It is just such a night and day kind of thing compared to our first agency.  We have been very happy with the communication, and kindness we have seen from our current agency.  It has been a blessing to work with them. 

When I spoke to our social worker a couple of weeks ago, she said that she has 2 weeks from the date of the homestudy to get the approval written up and complete.  So that would have put our approval date at no later than August 31.  Well she informed us that she has to go out of town to help her father out because he is having surgery.  She is leaving tomorrow...for 10 days which means we will not have our approval until the week of September 10.  There is a slim chance that she may get it done before she leaves, but it sounded like it wasn't going to happen.  But, that is fine, because we are still able to continue networking. 

We have some friends who started the domestic infant process with us, and have since changed to International adoption. They are in the process of adopting 3 little girls from Ethiopia.  Their girls are a little older, so they have no need for the crib and changing table they have. So, they offered it to us.  How awsesome is that?!  My parents will be coming down next month and they are bringing our family cradle with them.  My grandma bought the cradle for my parents when my mom was pregnant with my oldest sister.  All 5 of my parents children and all of their grandchildren have slept in this cradle.  It is very special to me.  I can already picture our new sweet baby sleeping in it. I have not started any crazy shopping or anything, but I do have an idea of what we would like to do in the baby's room.  If it is a boy, we are going to go with a Noah's Ark theme. Roger's baby bedroom theme was Noah's Ark so he loves that!   If it is a girl, I am thinking about bumble bees.  I am going to try very hard to stay away from the color pink if we have a girl....wish me luck! ;)

Please continue to pray for us, we would love to have you visit our Facebook page at Roger and Stephanie's Adoption.  Our contact information can be found under the About section on our page. Please help us get our name out there! 

Thank you all and God bless! 

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    his love endures forever. 
Psalm 107:1